Student Digital Profiles

At MaiaLearning, we provide a comprehensive platform for students to create and share their digital profiles with colleges. The Digital Profiles includes student contact information, post-secondary goals, career interests, academic records, and experiences in sports and activities. With MaiaLearning, students can easily publish and share their profiles, enhancing their chances of admission to their desired colleges and universities.

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Share contact information & Education Goals

Students can easily share their contact information with colleges and universities, helping institutions connect with them. They can also showcase their post-secondary goals and introduce themselves, giving colleges and universities valuable insight for admission decisions.

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shortlist of career interests & Academic Programs

Our platform allows students to create a career shortlist, helping colleges and universities understand their aspirations and align them with relevant programs. Students can also indicate their academic interests, aiding institutions in identifying a good fit and facilitating personalized communication during admissions.

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Enable their Academic record

Students are able to enable access to their academic records, providing colleges and universities with a comprehensive view of their academic achievements and performance.

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College & University considerations

Students can explore and indicate their considerations for colleges and universities. This feature allows students to research and select institutions that align with their academic and personal preferences, helping them make informed decisions about their future education.

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Extracurricular activities

Our platform enables students to select and showcase their experiences, such as participation in sports and extracurricular activities. This allows colleges and universities to gain a holistic view of the student's interests, talents, and achievements, enhancing their understanding of the student's overall profile during the admissions process.

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Publish Digital Profile & Share with Admissions offices

Students can effortlessly publish their digital profiles and share them directly with admissions offices, ensuring that colleges and universities have access to their comprehensive profiles.

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What our clients say

"I think MaiaLearning is…redefining the relationship between customer and provider."

Robert Kostrzeski
Counselor & Wellness Coordinator
The International School Nido de Aguilas

"I feel like MaiaLearning's only client"

Karla Bingaman,
Administrative Coordinator/College Counseling
Mercersburg Academy
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