Social & Emotional Learning  for Schools

MaiaLearning understands the importance of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and provides the technology to better support counselors and students.

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39 Units with over
120 lessons

We suggest grade levels for each unit, but counselors are in control. We provide the content; you choose what your students need and when they need it most.

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Mapped to SEL Standards

We tag each unit with the standards that best apply from the ASCA, CASEL and ISCA standards. It is also easy to add your own standards.

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Unit Guides for Educators

We provide unit guides outlining the objectives, suggested grade levels, main SEL standards covered, guiding questions, possible interactive activities, summative activities, and sources. We also include extension reading for educators who want to take a deeper dive into a topic.

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Oversight of students’ work
in one place

Make lessons visible to students on the dates that you choose. Counselors can verify student submissions, send comments, or return work if needed.

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Create Your Own Lessons

Have lessons you already use? You can easily create, deliver, and assign your own lessons in just a few clicks. This means your current lessons can be delivered in the same format in the platform.

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How do you know if your programs are working? 

Combine your SEL feature with MaiaLearning’s optional Element X™ assessment to develop a comprehensive view of your students’ wellbeing. MaiaLearning helps counselors create and evaluate environments where their students thrive.

Element X™ Assessment

The Element X™ assessment helps students examine aspects of their lives which impact personal wellbeing and wellbeing at school.

It covers traditional concerns such as health, stress, and challenge; and new ones that are increasingly important such as digital balance, remote learning, and feeling valued.

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Comprehensive Report

The tool assesses students across eight elements and 32 drivers. The PDF document that is generated explains the assessment and each factor in everyday language. It also provides Development Tips to improve.

Counselors see the report in the student’s account, and the student can share it with others in MaiaDrive.

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What our clients say

"I think MaiaLearning is…redefining the relationship between customer and provider."

Robert Kostrzeski
Counselor & Wellness Coordinator
The International School Nido de Aguilas

"I feel like MaiaLearning's only client"

Karla Bingaman,
Administrative Coordinator/College Counseling
Mercersburg Academy
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